Monday, April 13, 2009

Big Wheel Race!!

Yesterday was the 9th annual BYOBW Easter Big Wheel race in San Fransisco, the 4th year that I've participated. There I am above with the ubiquitous pink and purple disney fairy princess big wheel. Target must have stocked up big on those ones, because a high percentage of the folks had these big wheels.

You can see me in one of the races, 0:17 - 0:36 in this video:

and in from 0:17 - 0:20 in this video:

you can find more videos and pictures on youtube and flickr if you search for "byobw 2009".

This was the best year yet. I raced 7 times and my big wheel held up for the whole event. Most of the folks I went with this year broke their big wheels on the first run.

I can't wait for next year!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009