Friday, August 24, 2007

Good Bye YouTube

The user created content and the communities that arise on the site are the most interesting aspect of YouTube, imho.

Here’s something where I feel like I walked into the middle of an awkward situation and I have no idea what is going on, but I'm intrigued nonetheless. This appears to be a farewell video from a frequent YouTuber living in Mexico City. He's leaving his YouTube community because he received threatening phone calls from individuals that seem to know quite a bit about his and his family’s daily habits.

I really like the fact that I have no context in which to place the video (not unlike how I felt the first time I went to a conference on formal semantics). Is he for real? Overreacting? Seriously in Danger? I really can't tell, but this guy clearly doesn't buy it:

Others take him at his word and are clearly pissed at the people threatening him.

I gather from the comments on this and related videos that supexcellency has been participating in youtube debates on religion and other touchy subjects, and somehow this activity, in his mind, has drawn the wrong kind of attention. He asks that you leave comments so that YouTube will take action, but if these threats hves something to do with the Mexican Mafia, as he seems to imply, I really don’t know what he expects from youTube. If this guy really is in danger, I feel bad for him.

It will be interesting to see how this develops. He posted his video about 18 hours ago and says he will leave it up for about 24 before deleting it. Does anyone know more about this story?

Update: it looks like he already pulled the video, but there are plenty of "Re: Good Bye YouTube" videos replying to it.


Sean said...


JB said...

a) what happened?? do ya know?

b) to the guy in the second video that keeps saying he doesn't believe it..did you really need to make another video to make that comment? really? maybe i just don't get video blogging. seems gratuitious.