Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I heard a story recently about a guy that went to get "STRUGGLE" tattooed on himself and ended up with "STUGGLE". This reminded about the guy in Chicago that tried to sue "Jade Dragon Tattoo & Body Piercing" for tattooing "CHI-TONW” instead of "CHI-TOWN". When that didn't work, a bunch of his friends got similar "CHI-TONW” tattoos to support him.

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I can’t find a picture of the “STUGGLE” tattoo, but the word is too good to not be used in referring to misspelled tattoos.

Here are a few stuggles I’ve come across recently:

One of my personal favorites:
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Another one I saw on this site:
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A couple of foreign language stuggles:

(the following one also found at rankmytattoos linked above.)
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David Beckham stuggled his wife’s name in Hindi:
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If you have any stuggle pictures email them to me and I will put them up here. Especially if you come across the “STUGGLE” stuggle.

Even better: actually go out and get a “STUGGLE” tattoo.

(Credit where it is due: Mary and Will told me the stuggle story a week or so ago, and Sean sent me the "AWSOME" picture last week. A while back I saw the Chicago Tribune story on reddit, and saw the rankmytattoo link on reddit this morning.)

Monday, September 24, 2007

what America needs

What America needs is fair and unbiased media. like Iran. Here's what the Islamic Republic News Agency is reporting about Ahmadinejad's visit to Columbia University:

"The audience on repeated occasion applauded Ahmadinejad when he touched on international crises.

At the end of his address President Ahmadinejad answered the students' questions on such issues as Israel, Palestine, Iran's nuclear program, the status of women in Iran and a number of other matters."

Other matters? Like homosexuality in Iran?

Yeah -- that looks like a standing ovation there.

added: here's the complete transcript.

for akern

I saw this build-it-yourself-Dylan-SHB-promo-viral-video thing on laughing squid today and I knew that I had to make one for Karen because I know how much she hates the guy.

The joke is is that I always mistype Karen's name, with Akern being the most common variant. Unless I'm trying to mistype -- then I wind up writing it correctly.

When I made this video I actually typed "Karen" correctly four times.

edit: I removed the embedded clip because it wasn't formating right. here's a link to the video I made on the site itself.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

how to talk like a pirate

Today is "National Talk Like a Pirate Day". I saw this handy instructional video on Language Log (not the Langauge Log) this morning:

Monday, September 17, 2007

I miss Disneyland

I just went to down to southern California this last weekend, but I did not go to Disneyland and did not film this video: