Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I heard a story recently about a guy that went to get "STRUGGLE" tattooed on himself and ended up with "STUGGLE". This reminded about the guy in Chicago that tried to sue "Jade Dragon Tattoo & Body Piercing" for tattooing "CHI-TONW” instead of "CHI-TOWN". When that didn't work, a bunch of his friends got similar "CHI-TONW” tattoos to support him.

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I can’t find a picture of the “STUGGLE” tattoo, but the word is too good to not be used in referring to misspelled tattoos.

Here are a few stuggles I’ve come across recently:

One of my personal favorites:
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Another one I saw on this site:
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A couple of foreign language stuggles:

(the following one also found at rankmytattoos linked above.)
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David Beckham stuggled his wife’s name in Hindi:
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If you have any stuggle pictures email them to me and I will put them up here. Especially if you come across the “STUGGLE” stuggle.

Even better: actually go out and get a “STUGGLE” tattoo.

(Credit where it is due: Mary and Will told me the stuggle story a week or so ago, and Sean sent me the "AWSOME" picture last week. A while back I saw the Chicago Tribune story on reddit, and saw the rankmytattoo link on reddit this morning.)


Sean said...


Alex said...

So, the David Beckham thing may or may not be a stuggle.

It basically says "Vhictoria" (vhikToriyaa), rather than "Victoria". However, when English words are transcribed into the Hindi script. you sometimes see [v] written as [vh] ("avenue" is written as "avhenue" on a sign near our apartment in Bombay).

I think this might just be to distinguish it from [w] ([v] and [w] are not contrastive in Hindi), but I'll have to check with someone in India on that.