one hundred and nine feet of pure radioactive speed (((O)))
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
george washington was a pimp
"women dug his snuff and his gallant stroll, ate opponents brains and invented cocaine, he's coming, he's coming, he's coming, washington, washington, six foot twenty and weighing a ton"
this is what made america awesome. pocket full of horses, indeed.
I grew up in Leucadia, on the coast north of San Diego. I graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a degree in Linguistics in 2005 and shortly after moved to San Francisco to work as a discourse analyst. Previous to my current profession I have worked as a chess instructor, pizza slinger, coffee jockey, and as a table waste management technician.
he saves children, but not British children
This is great info to know.
had a pocket full of horses f*cked the Sh*t out of bears
had a pocket full of horses f*cked the Sh*t out of bears
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