Monday, July 2, 2007

a letter from cousin arlo

Tuesday is Tuesday. And today is Tuesday. And so is yesterday. And so is tomorrow. And so are the days after that, I suspect. Here at Camp Happyland everyday seems to be Tuesday lately. Every Tuesday we play volleyball. Today we played volleyball, too.
It seems that life at Camp Happyland is a lot simpler than what I’m used to. I mean, than what I’m conditioned to. I don’t have as many synonyms for the words around me. I mean the things.
I used to wonder, “what was Wednesday like?” but it seems so far away now. What would we do if we didn’t play volleyball? They won’t tell me how long I’ve really been here, but I’m sure that I arrived before Thursday.
I heard a rumor in the showers that the day after tomorrow might be Monday. And if not, then probably the day after. I hope so, because, Lord’s nose, I’m getting a little tired of volleyball, thank you.

1 comment:

JB said...

This is my favorite mini story from when dad used to make you write a story every day for a whole summer.

My favorite part is when you say Lord's nose.

And that is what I think about that!